The life and death of Robert Kennedy

Author: Shawn J /

RFK was a US senator and attorney general for the presidential administration for his brother. Just like his brother he was a popular political figure and had a high education. He graduated from Milton Academy but before he got the chance to complete his Harvard career world war two broke out and his brother Joseph Kennedy was killed in combat. Robert joined the navy and was assigned as a lieutenant to the destroyer which was named after his brother. In 1946 he returned to Harvard and graduated two years later. He went on to study law at the university of Virginia law school and then was admitted to the Massachusetts bar which is an association for lawyers in 1951.

He went on to run his brothers’ presidential campaign his inclusion in his brother’s cabinet gave rise to charge of nepotism but he still succeeded and proved to be a good attorney general especially in prosecuting civil rights cases. He was also his brothers closest advisor after the assassination of his brother john he continued to serve for a time In Lyndon b Johnson’s cabinet. He resigned from Johnson’s cabinet in 1964 then he ran for senator of new York despite the criticism of him being a carpetbagger he continued to succeed in the senate and was a vigorous advocate of social reform and was identified as a spokesman for the rights of minority’s.
Robert became increasingly critical of President Johnson’s escalation of the Vietnam war witch urged him to run for democratic president. Eugene McCarthy’s showing at the democratic primary in New Hampshire convinced Kennedy that a challenge to Johnson could be successful and he announced his candidacy on March 16, 1968. Kennedy conducted an energetic campaign and won a series of primary victories culminating in California on June forth at the end of the day he gave a victory speech in the ambassador hotel in LA while leaving he was shot and he died the next day.


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