Vietnam POW/MIAs the POW stands for prisoners of war. They were captured by the North Vietnamese Army. MIA stands for missing in action. This is talking about people who were killed in war or lost and even found. So they made this group to show that they will even be for gotten in the eyes of Americans. This was just one of the ways we showed that we cared about our troops in the Vietnam War.
This is a picture of Pow/Mia bracelets. They were made for people who wanted to show that they cared about the people in the war. They had the name of a missing or captured person in the war. This was popular with the younger crowd. For example kids in middle and high school would have them because they thought it was cool. But that’s not the only reason they got them some got them to show that they didn’t want the war to be happing but they do still care for the troops.
There are people who still have no idea if there son is alive, living in Vietnam or if they are dead but most likely they are not alive anymore. There were cases of people who thought they were not going to make it there and just quit in the war to live in South Vietnam with the locals. There may still be former soldiers over there just living their life. They would do this because they didn’t think they could take the war anymore so they would simply leave the military and go off to live there. Others couldn’t handle the pressure of the war so they used of drugs, beer and other stuff. That’s what the war can do to you.
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