The Wright Brothers were two of seven siblings. Orville and Wilbur were their names. Orville was always in mischief, and he got expelled in elementary school. Orville and Wilbur were very close to each other; they were only four years apart. They loved playing with toys. Their favorite was a helicopter. The brothers played with that toy until it broke. From playing with the helicopter, it gave them inspiration to build their own helicopter.
They are mainly known for building the first airplane. It took the brothers a long time to get it down. The brothers got their experience from working in a shop building bikes and motors. The two brothers always worked together with everything. They also did not get their high school diplomas. Many believe that the Wright brothers were the best inventors. That is amazing especially since they did not graduate from high school.
The brothers studied many birds to help them build their plane. The brothers made plenty of planes. It took them awhile to get to the perfect plane. The two young men had come up wit a plan to succeed and that was to make a aircraft and get it off the ground. The brothers tried more then a hundred times to get an aircraft up and running but they had many failures, but that is just the way it was. Once they fixed everything there was a happy ending. That was the spark for new and more aircrafts in the U.S and all over the world.


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