
Author: shantelr /

My mother was killed in the Russian massacre when I was just a little girl. My uncle has been saving money to send for all the orphan kids to live with him. I am indeed an orphan and being an orphan is tough. When my mother died it was really hard on my siblings and I because our father was killed about 3 years before. I gathered all my things together and helped my brothers and sisters pack their things. We got on the boat and headed to America were my uncle lives and where he will be taking care of me and brothers and sisters.

I get waken up by a worker who tells me we have arrived in America. As I am getting off the boat I see my uncle and I have never been so happy to see anyone in my entire life. America is a different place from where I used to live. We pulled in to his house and his house is a lot better than where I was living. He showed us our rooms and my room is really nice. I am happy to have a room that does not have seven kids living in it. Since I have been living with my uncle I have a lot of stress lifted off of me and now I can concentrate on more important things.


Mr. Capelle said...


Certainly a tough situation for the brothers and sisters. I like how you depict their uncle saving money to help look after them in America.

K Rhodus said...

One can only imagine the hardship and responsibility this young girl felt to take care of your brothers and sisters after her mother passed away. Maybe now she can focus on her education that she is with her uncle in America.

CodyP said...

ahhhh that is really heart renching

Unknown said...

You did a very good job describing what your character had went through. I think you really played it off as if you were in her shoes.

Again, Great Job!

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