
Author: Roberto C /

I am the one lying down on the second shelf. And I am the one on the right the way to the right. My head is so heavy I have to prop it up. When I got here I was 17 years old and I was with my dad and my uncle. Over the years I have seen a lot of brutal things at the camp. I have seen people die out in the fields and I still have that image in my head. Then when I go to bed I just think of all the people that are dying0 and worry about my dad and my uncle. I have not seen them in several months. I have no idea where my mom and my brother are at.
The image in my head is just brutal. I lost all of my friends that I use to bunk with and they died in the bunk. I had my friend in my hands while he was dying. In the morning I wake up and see less people in camp.. People are dying every which way one day I tried to find them but I heard the guards grabbed them. I thought for a while that they were died and one day I found out that they both had died. Since I am now alone, no family and not much to live for, I will never act the same. You might ask about my dad and my uncle.


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