
Author: TylerC /

This is me on the right I have been here for about 6 months. The person next to me is a kid I knew a long time ago but we meet back up here at this concentration camp. He has only been here for 3 months but he is younger than me. It is being really hard on him as it is for all of us. We don’t really know what is going on here. The Germans brought us here saying it was a work camp. They took all of our stuff that had any value. Then they put us in these little rooms and we have just been staying here ever since they don’t tell us anything. I see someone die just about everyday now this place is a horror story. Its like something you would read in a book. I have seen some of the nicest and older people I know just be killing for nothing I have seen little kids starving to death. People are going crazy in here. People try to get out but we are all to weak to do anything. They give us some food and drinks. Just look at me and you can tell how little they have giving me to eat. All I want to do is get out of here and go see my wife and my two little girls. I have not seen them in over a year I don’t really remember what they look like. Its starting to get really hard for me to get up in the morning but I do because think I am going to get out of here one day I don’t really know if I will ever get out of here or if to day is going to be the day the pick me to kill. As each day goes bye it gets harder and harder every night I stay up crying just think is tonight my last night but hope I get one more day in me.


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