The Holocaust

Author: shantelr /

My name is Annelies Marie Frank. I was one of the million Jewish children who died in the holocaust and this is my story. I lived with my parents and my older sister Margot. We lived in an apartment on the outskirts of Frankfurt. In 1934, my father Otto Frank left us to go to Amsterdam in the Netherlands. My father had business connections. Mom and sister followed my father but I stayed with my grandparents in Aachen. I arrived to be with my family in February 1934.

It was the first half of July when my family and I went into hiding. We had a secret room that was located behind a book shelf. Four Dutch Jews were in that room, there names were Hermann, Auguste, and Peter Van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer. For two long years we lived in this secret attic. In my spare time I wrote in my diary like ever girl does. I wrote about everything that was going on and how my day went. A friend of ours would get clothes and food for us. That was a huge risk for everybody. Suddenly on August 4, 1944 the Gestapo (German Secret State police) had discovered the hiding place, Some anonymous Dutch caller gave us up.


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