New Deal

Author: TylerP /

The Public Works Administration (or PWA for short) was created in 1933 due to the Depression. Its purpose was to focus on employment. In order to do this they had to budgeted several billion dollars to be used on constructions of public work projects.
It would be killing two birds with one stone. People would be able to find jobs during and after the project. Those who were not qualified for the construction would later have a better chance of the new jobs made from the new building. Unfortunately, even after raising $6 billion, the plan was unsuccessful in returning the industry level to that of the pre-depression. It also did not reduce the number of unemployment or even jump start a world wide chain of small businesses.

The PWA was formed due to the National Industry Recovery act on June 16, 1933. It was headed by Harold L. Ikes. His plans on the project were worded to be ‘spending BIG bucks on BIG projects’. Unfortunately, the President’s, who was FRD at the time, had opposed to deficit spending, the PWA only made it half of its possible success. About eight years later, Roosevelt moved towards war production, chose to abandon his detestation of deficit spending. However, on 1941, the PWA was seen as irrelevant and was there for abolished in June of that year.


rhettk said...

very cool

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